Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Blog!

Welcome to my blog at K.Beck books! The new home for all of my bookbinding projects and events. I would be thrilled to have your feedback, suggestions, and comments.

Without further ado, a little about my most recent project. Kits!

I teach an intro to bookbinding course at the Orem Roberts Crafts location on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. I supply all of the materials for the class which means making a whole bunch of bookbinding kits. So for the past several days, I have been cutting, punching, cutting some more and taping up my fingers. Cutting the paper isn't so bad, but the binder's board is killer. In the end it's all worth it for these lovely little kits.

Bookbinding kits include everything needed to make a 4x6 hardback book like the one we make in class. Soon (meaning as soon as I get the technical instructions finished) they will also be for sale on my website. So you can give bookbinding a whirl at home before you decide whether you want to jump in for good.

Of course, I want to give credit to Josh and Jenna Gubler who have done all of the photography for my website and promotional materials. They are incredibly talented and always on the ball. Check out their website at


  1. The comments are certainly working

  2. I wish we still lived in Provo - I would have loved to come to your class!
