Monday, November 7, 2011

Now Benefitting the Center for Women and Children in Crisis

K.Beck books is proud to now benefit the Center for Women and Children in Crisis. With every book or journal purchased, we donate another to CWCIC.

So now to answer the questions, why this partnership?

First, a story. I was reading an article about a gal who teaches bookbinding classes and once a year she goes to Ethiopia to teach binding to lepers. I was amazed, and a little intimidated. I have always been impressed by small business owners who give a portion of their proceeds or otherwise benefit non-profit organizations. However, I always let myself off the hook. My excuses went something like this: "My business is too small"; "Bookbinding is more of a niche market"; "Maybe when I'm more established"; and on and on. But this girl, this girl is doing some good. Real good, with real people, with bookbinding.

So, I started looking around online at the local non-profits. The CWCIC caught my eye as their list of donated items included journals. It turns out, that in addition to the necessities, these women are in need of personal possessions. Many of the women and children at this center have given up everything. The more I thought about it, the more excited and motivated I became. It isn't much, but the idea of providing a leather bound volume of Fairy Tales to a mother and child at a shelter is enough to get you up in the morning.

Thanks to the CWCIC for letting me partner with you. Hopefully, K.Beck books can contribute to the good you're already doing in our community. (For more information, you can check out our website, or

Happy kick-off to the Holiday Season!

-Kelcie Beck

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